Japan on the Cheap

That’s right.

We’re on the cheap. Traveling on a budget, in the most expensive country in the world. Can we do it?

You bet your ass.

First things first, let’s clear the air of misconceptions with some truths:

  • #1 Japan CAN BE very expensive
  • #2 Japan CAN ALSO BE very cheap

Travelers don’t know anything about #2. All they know is #1.

Why? Because they don’t live in Japan, they are not savvy to the bargains available. They are travelers passing through the country being taken advantage of at every corner, doing their best with their limited information. Or…

Since EVERYONE agrees that it is expensive, people might not even try to find savings. They might be in total apathy about it and just accept the fact that Priceline says their hotel will cost $150 when an equally good hotel could cost them $90! (If they had more info and resources).

If you have ever paid $1500 or more for a planet ticket from the US to Japan, then you have LOST money and have over-paid.


Where are we going with all this?

A person travelling in Japan doesn’t know anything. (no offense!)

A person who lives in Japan knows EVERYTHING about the savings and bargains available. They have the info and resources!


Enter Japanimal

We have our very own Japanese native: Michiko. She’s a Bargain-finding Bad-ass Mofo and she’s got all the data. She is the head of our Japan on the Cheap section.

We want to make you more awesome by helping you save money, so you can make the trip of your dreams to far off Japan.

Saving money means being able to do more, eat more, and buy more stuff.


How does it work?

We will have articles and guides on:

  • Clever and little-known ways to save money for:
    • Transport
    • Sight-seeing
    • Food
    • Shopping
    • Hotels/Accommodations

  • Traveling a particular city on a particular budget. Not everyone will want to travel Japan like a hobo, so we put together varies budgets. For example:
    • 24 hours in Tokyo with $0
    • 24 hours in Tokyo with $50
    • 24 hours in Tokyo with $100


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