Trip to Japan Calculator

Every traveler has a different budget and situation. Our calculator takes all possibilities into consideration for a quick trip or a long vacation in Japan.

1) Length of Stay

2) Number of Travelers

3) Choose City(s) you want to Visit:

East & Central Japan
(Tokyo, Nagoya, Nagano, Nikko, Hakone)

Western Japan
(Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Hioshima)

4) How do you want to travel between cities?

5) What accommodations do you (and or your fellow travelers) want?

($10 a night)
($30 a night)

Love Hotel ($50 a night)
($60 a night)
($80 a night)
($150 a night)

6) How do you (and or your fellow travelers) want to eat?

($3 per meal)
($6 per meal)
($10 per meal)
($25 per meal)

7) How much sight seeing do you (and or your fellow travelers) want to do?
(This includes taxi/subway/train fair, admission fees, and other expenses associated)

8) How much shopping do you (and or your fellow travelers each) want to do?

9) What time of the year will you go?
(Spring and Summer are the most expensive times to go. Winter and Fall are the cheapest)

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